Page 3 - SRNS_2015_Annual_Report
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Savannah River National Laboratory, or SRNL, continued
to put science to work through expanding missions,
innovative technologies and global partnerships. SRNL
focuses on solutions for the most significant needs of
our country and our world in security, nuclear materials,
advanced manufacturing, environmental stewardship
and clean energy. Working in 24 states and more
than 50 countries, SRNL shares its expertise in ever-
expanding avenues. SRNL makes the world safer.

The past year saw our Continuous Improvement
program evolve into the “Focused Improvement
Transformation,” or SRNS FIT. Our company is using
Lean tools to make improvements that have saved
millions of taxpayer dollars. Making our company more
efficient allows us to conduct our operations better
than ever. And that makes our world safer.

SRNS enhanced the development of our workforce
during 2015 with a new “Standard of Excellence”
tool that will steer our actions toward our company’s
vision of being “the standard of excellence in nuclear
materials management.” We also forged partnerships
with regional colleges and universities to prepare
students for careers in the nuclear industry. These
future employees will ensure that our missions at SRS
are staffed by skilled workers for years to come.

   And they’ll continue to make the world safer.

The Savannah River Nuclear Solutions of today is a robust, dynamic
company capable of answering the challenges of our country’s nuclear
and technological needs. The Savannah River Nuclear Solutions of
tomorrow will be even stronger, with a firm and unyielding resolve for
excellence in our operations, our technology and our workforce.

We are Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.

And we make the world safer.
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